And my next invention will be allowing me to blog from thoughts that occur in my head, it would make finding time to blog so much easier for me. Yes, bloggin at work, a major No-No (shaking finger as I say it like Syd does) for me. But hell, rules made for myself are made to be broken by myself. In all honesty blogging for me was used as an outlet to burn free time at work. See, that is where I went wrong...Plus it was easier for me to blog in the old house because it did not require me to carry my lazy ass up stairs to get to the damn computer. If it was not for having to lock the doggins (love you Honey) up everyday before work, I would NEVER go up stairs.
During the week, I think of many many things that I would love to blog about. Andrea Yates comes to mind. My best friend Kim posted about this disaster in history the.whole.damn.thing that is. The day that the new "verdict" came down, we were on vacation. I was trying and trying does not even begin to express the effort involved here, to put Syd down for a nap when the verdict was announced. For some strange reason, I felt the need to be with my child. I just felt that I had to be with her and look at her and maybe I don't know protect her from this cruel reality. I cannot explain it obviously but the need to be near her was so great. I am listening to the commentary before the verdict was announced and many new details were given, and they made me feel sick. I truly wanted to throw up. Not only did I feel sick, I felt rage against this monster that did this thing to her children. I know that their would be no way in hell I would have been on this jury because the details that were given, I would have gotten up out of the jury box and gone over and beat the woman to death myself, and felt good about it while doing it. Does this make me any better than her? Probably not, but my feelings on the subject is that she does not deserve to live. WTF are we going to do, rehabilitate this "woman" so she can live in society and be...Productive? Is she the only person to blame here? I have to say..NO. Her wimp ass of a husband should be on the table next to her strapped down getting ready for the injection too. Just a few things I do not understand about HIM, being, the Dr.'s told HIM and HER that her getting pregnant again was not a wise idea due to her mental problems in the past. And if they are such a spiritual family as they "Played it" to the public then why did her divorce her? And what religion tells you to move your family into a bus to live? The Partridge Family Religion? I don't think Mr. Yates hands are bloodless in the murder of his children. Maybe my thoughts and feelings are slanted by the publicity of this tragedy, but the whole thing rots with the stench of wrong by all parties involved. The "verdict" was a joke and the punch line were these children that paid with their life.
My child, the little sprout that she is has been incredible. I have to say, I never knew how much children pick up from their parents until you have one. Plus, she is fucking smart as hell. I know, she is my child, but the things that she knows and can do each day I ask Scott, "did you see that?" "Did you hear what she said?!" It amazes me. I hope that she does not pick up on everything she sees and hears from us, we have heard a few "shits" and "damns" come out of the back seat, and at the kitchen table. We just ignore them and walk away kicking ourselves in the ass for what terrible parents we are for saying such dirty words around her...fuck, it's nature.
We are trying to learn to use the potty. She will be playing or looking at her books and you can just tell by her posture and the purple/red face helps that she is crapping her pants. I ask if she wants to use her potty, and the answer I get is No! Scott for some unknown reason can get her to use her potty. Don't know exactly why she will go willingly if Daddy asks, but hey whatever works.
Utility companies suck. Last month, we were gone for a week, turned up the A/C to 80 degrees, this happened to be the week that Dallas had a break in the heat wave of 2006. My parents were e-mailing me that the weather was actually...Livable. Therefore due to the change in the A/C setting and the cooler temps, wouldn't you think the monthly bill will be LOWER than the month before? Got the bill today, it is EXACTLY the SAME. The payment amount is EXACTLY the same. Further looking into the bill they have estimated our usage for the past two months. Now how can you estimate the usage and bill for that legally? I am sure their is some damn law that states this is OK because we live in a world where someone cannot get paid to do the job of meter reading. Scott and I were discussing this earlier and I am sure that they will offer the option of having someone come out and READ THE ACTUAL METER, but that we will have to pay an extra $ 5.00 a month for this service....Yeah. I can totally see this being true. We only provide the electricity we don't provide reading of the meter for what you USE of the electricity.
To some extent this reminds me of one of the Ladies in my office. She is older and needs a mamogram, her insurance will pay for the mamogram but will NOT pay for the READING of the mamogram...WTF! To me that is like going to the grocery store to get eggs and they give you a live chicken instead of the eggs. Does not make sense to me.
Yeah, I get on a roll and can't stop.
Here is another instance of stupidty.
Two weeks ago, I e-mailed a question to our financial firm to ask how much we are charged for a bounced check that we have deposited into our account. Needing the information to bill the customer for the bounced check fee. I waited a whole day and mind you I e-mailed this question to three people. The next day 24 hours later, I asked to the same three people if anyone had gotten an answer to my question because I wanted to bill for the charges. My e-mail answer from one of the people was, "Yeah, we have it, sorry." Yes. says, I still have the e-mail to prove it too. OK, call me petty but I am pretty pissed at this point but decide to wait because maybe this stupid fucking answer will be followed with an answer I can USE. I wait, two day, for an answer. NOTHING. So, I e-mail again, asking "Can I get the answer to this question?" so I can BILL THE CUSTOMER. The response was "Oh sorry,
$ 32.00." Finally, an answer I can use. Maybe I expect too much out of people.
And after a day like this, I am expected to go home and relax. My poor family, when I speak gibberish possibly they will be able to understand why.