The Hokey Pokey
Here she is doing the Hokey Pokey...we are so damn proud.
Random, random, random...Thoughts of a new mother, trying to balance life, husband, motherhood, work, and remain sane.
Jeopardy-Part 3
Yeah, this sucks, still not blogging at work. Might if I get time try and catch up on my reading of blogs...ugh!! Truly by the time I get Syd to bed at night the sound of my pillow calling me is almost more than I can handle. Crawling up the stairs tonight was killing me. Mind you it is 8:32 PM and I am also just now eating my dinner, while I blog.
When you make a new resolution to not blog at just sucks ass. Seeing that I make the rules and how the fucking computer usage at my job has been so damn out of whack recently I have taken to only looking at my e-mail at work and checking the websites needed to get my damn job done. I hate it, but since my mini vacation last week I have not had a free moment to do anything fun at work and waste time.
Sunday night to kick off my partial week off, I watched some previously recorded stuff I had not had the time to watch. I started with Baghdad ER, a documentary on HBO about the ER set up for the troops and the Iraq Police and also the hated and feared. I was informed about this show via the local sports talk radio station in town. They said if you can get through the intro you might be able to watch the whole program. I was glued to my television. The feeling I had while watching was one of helplessness. I felt so weak that I could not perform the duties that these Men and Women serving our Country have taken. They truly are such heroes and I am so proud to have them serving my Country. The utter hell that these people are going through and wanting to get back out to their squad is just incredible. I consider myself a strong individual, I am a huge piece of shit compared to what these people are doing. I just sobbed during the whole show. It was real and I felt I owed it to them to watch and not live in my sheltered world. I know watching does not make a difference but, I felt it was the least I could do. I recommend everyone to watch it. It is bloody and in your face reality. You cannot psych yourself out and tell yourself it is not real, it is as real as it gets.
This morning while getting ready for work I was listening to the radio and two stories really stuck out for me. The first being about the woman who beat the breeder she got a 4 WEEK OLD PUPPY from. The poor puppy did not make it and the buyer beat the breeder with the dead puppy. You can read the details here.
So, since the beginning of May I have been planning on an audit. I was told the 2nd week in May that I would have an audit on the 5th of June. I have one every 6 months, part of the job, and I HATE them. Audits are right next to root canals. Plus for some of you, you might recall my post back in December during my last audit. About the auditor that was hammering the shit out of me because he was here and we were being threatened with a ice storm. Lucky girl that I am, this audit was to be done by the same winner of a guy. The guy that I cannot e-mail one God Damned thing to because EVERYTHING I e-mail him bounces. Even my replies to him. I have to send them through someone else to get them to him. Friday I get an e-mail from the auditor asking that I e-mail him some preliminary reports so he will have a chance to get a head start before he gets here. I reply and forward my reply to the 3rd party and ask that my reply of: Not able to e-mail reports to him because like last time you were here, EVERYTHING BOUNCES TO YOU THAT I SEND. (Mind you I sent him this same message days earlier through my 3rd Party!) I also told him I cannot e-mail him the reports because our system does not have to ability to e-mail reports. I asked him to e-mail me an address and I would Fed-Ex them to him on Friday and he would have them Saturday. No response, all fucking day. I go home, thinking, oh well, I did my best, his loss.